Friday, May 02, 2008

Devin Run

Národný beh Devín - Bratislava
How shall I begin... running this run was a very nice experience. I am happy to have taken part in it, even though I was indecisive only 2 days before, if I should go at all. But even though I might have felt unprepared , therefore a bit scared (if I'll get to the end and whether I’d finish last) I am happy that I decided to go in the end... We should not be scared to do new things even if we are not fully prepared to do them, because then we will maybe never do them, and at the end of the day every experience counts... whether good or bad....I am not trying to say that one should not prepare properly, but that one does not have to be perfectly prepared to manage something. My training was not that thorough, and 12 km is quite a distance, + doing IB, one does not have that much free time to go running regularly (well maybe one does, but I don’t want to blame my insufficient training on my laziness).

Roughly a week or two after I started running from my own initiative I found out about this run. I started, because I felt that I simply needed to do some sport, as IB workload was getting to my sanity and me (and still is). I knew that through sport one forgets about all strains of life and receives endorphins, feels happy, what more do you need. Running also improves ones health, decreases blood pressure, reduces risk of coronary heart disease and much more. Most of all, running improves your concentration. By running the blood flows more into the brain. (at least so they say...)

After finding out about Devin run I was more motivated , but also started to feel certain pressure. I had to run regularly now, if I wanted to achieve the ability to run a 12km distance at the end. Doesn’t sound complicated. I had written down exact days when I ought to have ran in my calendar...well, that helped me a bit. But it frequently happened that instead of three times a week (my aim) I went only once or twice or not at all. All together, I managed to go running around 17 times in 2 and half months which isn’t bad, but could have been better. Overall my final time could have been better than 1.11.41 if I had kept to my schedule. I had an aim and determination, but when it came to keeping some exact times of when I was supposed to go running I often failed. One also needs a strong sense of self-discipline to complete an aim, which I had, but I would not mind having more of it.
Národný beh Devín - Bratislava

However my insufficient self discipline didn’t delay the big day’s arrival. We all (BISB Running Team) met up at the parking place under the Devin castle, where we waited until the run began. We were getting ready for our run, warming up, stretching a bit and changing our socks...

At 10:00am, (roughly) ‘the show’ began. It was funny at first, as all the people were so crammed up that one could walk, and not run. However, after the first 100 meters, the space loosened up a bit, and everyone got his or her few square metres on the road. My first 6 km were fine if not brilliant, if I can say so myself, but after that I started to feel the consequences of the unkempt training programme.

After 6km I started having slight problems. My legs were ok, but I simply could not keep up the pace I had up to that point. I had to slow down, and at about the 9th km even walk for a minute or two. However, I rather did that than having to be picked up by an ambulance from total exhaustion. As, for example, I saw one girl of my age, vomiting when getting into the ambulance. I do not wish to put anybody off from running by mentioning this, but one should also see the downsides. See that one must have accomplishable aims and know his or her abilities, not trying to do more then one really can manage. I think it was a better decision to walk a few meters and then start running again than faint somewhere from exhaustion. It was not embarrassing to walk a bit and hence enabling myself to reach the finishing line, instead of pushing my limits too far.

It was lovely how random people cheered you on, when they saw that you were out of energy. Encouraging us, saying that its not far to go, giving me a feeling that I can really do it. Approaching the finish line, which was very near to Novy Most I knew that I could do it when(Novy Most) started appearing on the horizon , and I did not hesitate and ran the whole last kilometre and a half at a reasonable pace. The last 100metres I even attempted to sprint and I overtook a few people.

My final time was as already mentioned: “1.11.41”. I was the 143rd from 200 competitors in my category (women 15-34years). Not the best, but I am quite satisfied with the result .It’s taking part that counts, not winning (a bit of a cliché, but true). In addition, I have the good feeling of doing something for my health. My aim for the next year is to keep to my training schedule properly, therefore hoping to finish in the first half of runners and to improve my time... enhancing my chances, and of course persuading more of you couch potatoes to go running and train.
Národný beh Devín - Bratislava

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